1、he said depressingly.

2、It all sounded depressingly familiar to Janet.

3、Depressinglybadv: The crime rate is depressingly high.

4、The crime rate is depressingly high.

5、Today he sees the behaviour as depressingly ordinary.

6、The magazine ceased printing in 2003, and its web presence is depressingly bland.

7、That's Fahrenheit--the numbers are depressingly lower in Celsius here in Canada.

8、There are 8 trillion possible combinations, but depressingly few of them yield useful two-way vocabularies.

9、Instead of policies that are minimally intrusive, well-targeted and efficient, we are depressingly likely to get the exact opposite.

10、But to students of the drug wars, pyrrhic victories that merely displace the problem of the drug barons to the next country are depressingly familiar.

11、This helps explain the depressingly slow decline in unemployment rates and in the number of workers who have given up looking for jobs.

12、Just as it would be a mistake to underestimate the new Brazil, so it would be to gloss over its weaknesses. Some of these are depressingly familiar.

13、In a routine that is becoming depressingly familiar, Mr Obama's camp argues that the time for these things is not yet ripe.

14、The world now glories in dozens of would-be Silicon Valleys: Silicon alley in New York, Silicon Glen in Scotland and even, depressingly, Silicon Roundabout in London.

15、Though it is depressingly rare for the underdog to win in the real world, I'd like to cling to the idea that when they do, they have something special to offer that the overdog does not.

16、So the odds that any education reform with voters' support will genuinely be aimed at poor children seems depressingly low these days—whatever the Supreme Court rules, and however many years have elapsed since Brown.