1、Participate in the discussion forum.

2、It also has a meaty discussion forum.

3、You can relate your experience in the discussion forum.

4、Improve Your code quality discussion forum: Andrew Glover brings his considerable expertise as a consultant focused on improving code quality to this moderated discussion forum.

5、Discussion\\A discussion forum allows your team to have newsgroup-style discussions about topics created or added by team members.

6、If you're looking for the study-group feeling, try participating in an online discussion forum.

7、Tell me about it on the Linux on board discussion forum.

8、Please let us to use this thread as a discussion forum for children with developmental issues.

9、Ajax discussion forum: a community for Web developers just learning or actively using Ajax.

10、Browse through the Gay Life site or the discussion forum for advice and information.

11、Then he updates the discussion forum so that any other developers who come across this problem have an appropriate fix.

12、From 1 to 30 April UNESCO is holding an online discussion forum on "Quality Education to End Exclusion".

13、Also, it gives participation in and regard to the official discussion forum far more priority than other working groups.

14、They also planned to hold a discussion forum during China Hi-Tech Fair 2009, when they would help the Chinese side to invite high officials of European Exchanges to the summit forum of capital market.

15、The Dallas Chinese Community Center will hold a discussion forum and demo about Chinese calligraphy at December, 2, 2006 from 2 to 4 PM.

16、The free blog theme blew the book open into a series of conversations; every paragraph could spawn its own discussion forum for readers.

17、But Goel and his team sourced the online discussion forum to find all the 40,000 questions that had ever been asked since the class was launched.

18、If you are aware of any such initiatives, or have any other thoughts on the topic, please do share them on the Thinking XML discussion forum.

19、Today sees at the plot discussion forum one about Japanese's article, declared resisted the Japanese goods, and the author said every day all rested not well sense.

20、The hard part is not the technology (a simple online discussion forum is adequate) but creating a fair and transparent process that assures people their voices have been heard.

21、Online discussion forums using IBM forums.

22、Posts on discussion forums get ignored.