1、Sorry, lave no idea.

2、She will never lave home;

3、I lave done my duty.

4、We've instructions to lave them be.'

5、We've instructions to lave them be.

6、She will never lave home; she is too tied to her mother's apron strings.

7、The voice of bamboo gentleman, with previous with lave small novel words, appear some dissimilarity.

8、I lave you brought your three national (or federation) flags and cassette of your national (or federation) anthem with you?

9、The Machadodorp tuff and agglomerate, which is higher-lying than the Ongeluck lave, is known only from the Eastern Transvaal.

10、?? Le sang se lave avec des larmes et non avec du sang. ??- 血只能用眼泪来洗刷,不能用血。

11、Now, back again after nearly nine years, it was ironical to reflect that if I had not lived in France for so long I would never lave found it necessary - or possible - to visit the American South.