1、They're called camels.

2、Play games and camels.

3、What do camels eat?

4、"The camels are yours, sir.

5、There will be camels, too.

6、You wish they were camels.

7、And I also played with camels.

8、Hunt camels in the state of Arizona.

9、They have camels, sheep and other animals.

10、The zoo has lions, camels and elephants.

11、They live on the camels' backs.

12、They are known for traveling on horses and camels.

13、Just then a caravan passed by with their camels.

14、The other two magi (and their camels) eye him skeptically.

15、A fabric woven of the hair of camels or goats.

16、Traders who went over the land used camels and horses.

17、He also says more efforts need to be put into raising camels. Camels are often the only animals that produce milk during a drought.

18、The only truly wild camels that still exist are Bactrian camels. These herds survive in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia and China but number less than 1,000.

19、Arabian camels, also called dromedaries, have been domesticated for some 3,500 years.

20、Smaller quantities come from the milk of other animals goats, sheep, camels and even reindeer.

21、At midday I stopped where there was good food for my camels.

22、They use the camels for carrying water, food, tents and something else.

23、He and the camels had escaped together, they had an equal right to live.

24、She came to Jerusalem with a very great retinue, with camels bearing spices and very much gold and precious stones.

25、And the servant took ten camels of the camels of his master, and departed; for all the goods of his master [were] in his hand: and he arose, and went to Mesopotamia, unto the city of Nahor.

26、This combination has meant the country’s yaks, cattle, horses, camels, goats and sheep have gone long months without grazing adequately.

27、I saw the pillars, gained my 10 bearings, and also managed to lose sight of the camels and Bedouins.

28、The nomads were welcome passers-through, grazing their camels on the rocky hillsides that separated the fertile plots.

29、This is a beautiful camel. It has big eyes and nose, which is what all good camels should have.