1、Effect of psychological training in improving psychological quality of gymnast;

2、Sanshou athletes psychological quality control and use;

3、The psychological quality and ability the mainer must have;

4、On the criteria to evaluate psychological quality training;

5、Spiritedness is the central, psychological quality of the Republic.

6、In traditional society, the basic quality of college students includes political quality, moral quality, intellectual quality, skills quality, physical quality, psychological quality, etc.

7、To improve the quality of p.E teaching through training the students psychological quality;

8、To be a Seal commando member, you must first have excellent water quality and psychological quality.

9、Mentality, it goes without saying, refers to a person's psychological state, in other words, refers to a person's psychological quality.

10、Their own psychological quality and bear ability, this is a card shark must have requirements.

11、 Suddenly there was a call in the woods. It was not like a bird's call, but very slight, but clear and rhythmic, like a series of continuous tremors.

12、On the cultivation of psychological quality for college students of traditional Chinese medicine;

13、The major internal factors are college students' group psychology, moral consciousness and psychological quality.

14、Evaluation criterion of special psychological quality in the elite female soccer players;

15、By analyzing the relationship between students psychological factors and shooting skills, we propose that emphasis in training shooting skills should be put on training students psychological quality.

16、Psychological factors affecting the psychological quality include memory and thought, action and feedback and limit of unconscious control on individual techniques.

17、A study on the psychological quality of class counsellors in primary and middle schools in 21st century China;

18、Namely, to establish self-confidence and to develop excellent psychological quality are essential in the improvement of aural ability.

19、The teachers view of education affects directly his educational behaviors and the development of the psychological quality of the students.

20、The beauty of personality refers to the beauty manifested in the ideological character, psychological quality and intelligence, etc.

21、This kind of compound talents should have good professional knowledge, professional ability, professional ethics and physical and psychological quality.

22、From the aspect of women, they should develop the spirit of" Four Selves", diligently study the scientific cultural knowledge, improve own quality comprehensively, especially improve own psychological quality.

23、 It seems that these friends can hardly appreciate the mood conveyed by those songs, which is the basic psychological quality of herdsmen.

24、It is necessary to sublime teacher's morality in the educational development in new age, Teachers morality mainly includes good professional ethics, love and healthy psychological quality.

25、Self-confidence is not self-admiration, nor complacency, nor groundless self-righteousness and blindly optimistic, but a psychological quality that motivates oneself to make progress.

26、Balanced psychology is a necessary psychological quality for any person who is facing sudden change but is not overwhelmed by it.

27、Archery competition, bow strings ringing, an arrow accurately hit the red ring on the target, showing the shooter's good psychological quality and superb skills.

28、Analysis is a superficial phenomenon. Understanding is a kind of psychological quality. Life is hopeless, but also has the ability. Only when there is a degree of life, can we draw a picture.

29、Chinese gymnasts have strong competitive ability in pommel horse, parallel bars and horse vaulting, but they need to improve their stability of movement and psychological quality in individual event.

30、This paper has introduced the structure of experimental technicians of our college, and their behavior in four respects as follows: moral character, physical and psychological quality, knowledge technology and professional ability.