1、We will ramble about every rainy day.

2、She went into a long ramble about the evils of television.

3、I left the town and began to ramble about the fields.

4、I wonder you should select the thick of a snowstorm to ramble about in.

5、During a ramble about the city, I visited one of the two establishments where the Government keeps and watches corpses.

6、and the house--Juno mounts sentinel there, and--nay, you can only ramble about the steps and passages.

7、'he said, shaking the white flakes from his clothes;' I wonder you should select the thick of a snowstorm to ramble about in.

8、Within thick and boundless forests wild elephants and wild oxen ramble about, with peacocks in their pride, gibbons at play, and hornbills whispering.