1、become [be] betrothed to (sb.)

2、She is betrothed to John.

3、She betrothed herself to him.

4、I'm not betrothed to you?

5、His daughter was betrothed to a banker.

6、She is betrothed to her childhood sweetheart.

7、I congratulate you on your betrothed.

8、And I said: She that is betrothed unto me.

9、Marian's betrothed, this evening, made her feel vaguely fastidious.

10、He betrothed his daughter to a rich man.

11、So if not fiance, then what should one call one's betrothed?

12、"Can you tell me," asked the girl, "if my betrothed husband lives here?"

13、The hands of the betrothed were joined over the jar and it was smashed into pieces.

14、Then he said, I am your betrothed bridegroom, whom you saw as Bearskin.

15、Perhaps PEZ's commemorative pair of his-and-her candydispensers in the likeness of the betrothed couple.

16、Like his betrothed, the young chief arose, that his answer might be given with due distinctness and dignity.

17、His first betrothed heard of this, and fretted so much about his faithfulness that she nearly died.

18、The rich man was so happy to hear that he betrothed his daughter to the clever and industrious young man.

19、Besides, your own fortune, as your father assured me, is almost equal to that of your betrothed.

20、Due to his allegiance to King Marke, he escorted Isolde back to Cornwall to be betrothed to King Marke.

21、So that the soldier, sailor, emigrant, coming home, should be able to identify the resting-place of father, mother, playmate, or betrothed.

22、The Grand Mercure Hongqiao Shanghai is proud to announce a recent appealing Wedding Show at the hotel and 60 betrothed pairs were invited to attend.

23、His intentions are purely practical - he simply wants someone sensible and suitably lovely to pretend to be his betrothed for a few weeks among polite society.

24、Natasha was as much in love with her betrothed, as untroubled in her love, and as ready to throw herself into all the pleasures of life as ever.

25、With the help of Hong Niang Student Zhang poured out his love for Yingying by playing the zither, exchanged love letters with her secretly and finally betrothed himself to her.

26、Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: when His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit.

27、If she please not her master, who hath betrothed her to himself, then shall he let her be redeemed: to sell her unto a strange nation he shall have no power, seeing he hath dealt deceitfully with her.