1、The days were bright with snow, the nights forbiddingly dark.

2、To travelers arriving from the north, the island seems forbiddingly antipodal and cold.

3、If Americans were to work longer, they could set a financial goal that is attainable rather than forbiddingly distant.

4、Among his mature works, the best known are the forbiddingly titled Our Socialism Centred on the Masses Shall Not Perish and on the Art of the Cinema.

5、Mr Obama remains a forbiddingly powerful President, with a 64% approval rating and a Republican Party that is in a shambles.

6、It was a brave little house with a big, tumbledown barn and fields that sloped into forests beyond. The days were bright with snow, the nights forbiddingly dark.

7、At the time of this photo, little was known about bearded seals, due to their forbiddingly frigid habitat and aquatic lifestyle.

8、I stood on tiptoe, face upward and back straightened, to hand the cloth-wrapped bundle onto the counter. How strange the pawnbroker should have put up a counter so forbiddingly high.