1、And also cowboy boots.

2、Do you offer traditional cowboy boots, stiletto cowboy boots, toddler cowboy boots, suede cowboy boots or women's cowboy boots?

3、I had a cowboy hat and cowboy boots.

4、I like the alligator cowboy boots.

5、He was wearing tan coloured cowboy boots with square toes.

6、He shows up in jeans and cowboy boots.

7、They like to wear the famous American cowboy hats and cowboy boots.

8、Instead of a lab coat, he wore cowboy boots and a cowboy hat, and doled out his version of cowboy poetry.

9、Face it – you'll just have to take those cowboy boots back and ask for a refund.

10、Jake thinks he cuts a dash in his new cowboy boots.

11、One of the coolest styles in footwear are cowgirl or cowboy boots.

12、Terry cuts a beguiling figure, with his attractive smile and alligator-skin cowboy boots.

13、Played by petite blonde Kelli Giddish, Frost wears blue jeans and cowboy boots and takes down fugitives twice her size.

14、Think Marilyn Monroe in faded denims, cowboy boots and a white shirt in the 1961 film the Misfits.

15、I plan to wear a wedding dress, cowboy boots and a cowgirl hat... I want to dance all night.

16、So pull out your faded jeans, cowboy boots, and pretty sundresses to become a laid-back American sweetheart.

17、AFTER my uncle Sheldon moved to Dallas, he returned to Brooklyn for a visit flaunting a bolo tie, a splashy pair of cowboy boots and a nascent drawl.

18、The famous Times Square street entertainer is renowned for singing wearing little more than cowboy boots, a hat and a strategically placed guitar.

19、I've got no problem with women serving in security and militias, but making them wear silver cowboy boots and mid-thigh length skirts while doing it?

20、From the back steps she picked up the cowboy boots she wore for farm chores and walked out to his truck, following him around to the passenger side.

21、Down by the depot, the postmistress, a gaunt woman who wears a rawhide jacket and denims and cowboy boots, presides over a falling apart post office.

22、A person who was at the meeting says Wyatt wore suspenders, smoked a cigar, and propped up his cowboy boots on his desk-a cartoonish vision of a D.C. power broker.

23、He is a man who takes his bow at the end of his show in cowboy boots and jeans, who owns a ranch with tepees so luxurious they made Oprah Winfrey green with envy when she visited.

24、Out of the Oval Office by 9, Cheney walks in his polished maroon cowboy boots down the hall to his West Wing office, where he huddles with his chief of staff, Lewis Libby, and other senior staff members to go over the day's schedule.