1、She hitched herself up.

2、They hitched a lift.

3、He hitched across the Europe.

4、She hitched a lift on a truck.

5、My dress got hitched on a nail.

6、She hitched the pony to the gate.

7、You could have hitched a ride.

8、His coat hitched on a nail.

9、Some have hitched small cars to paragliders or gyrocopters.

10、He hitched up his trousers before sitting down.

11、They already have two children, so why get hitched?

12、He hitched his chair nearer the fire [to the table].

13、He hitched his chair nearer to the fire.

14、I saw a team of oxen hitched to a broken-down wagon.

15、More proof that Lark's marketing is now inexorably hitched to Apple's.

16、Muttering dire predictions about “nothin’ good comin’ outta this, ” Delno hitched his chin toward the TV.

17、If you have disparate incomes it benefits you tax-wise to get hitched.

18、If a formatter attribute is present, the corresponding formatter method is hitched to the correct scope.

19、The herder tied the struggling young reindeer to a sled and hitched the sled to his snowmobile.

20、The ones that did get hitched and have babies certainly didn't do it in the traditional order.

21、It seemed that Lorz had been suffering from cramps, so he hitched a ride at the 9 mile point.

22、Cruise also got hitched to United Artists, becoming MGM's new head honcho along with producing partner Paula Wagner.

23、He had hitched his star to Hitler, to whom alone he owed his sensational rise in life.

24、Around the first of July, the work horses were hitched to the mowing machine, and Mr. Zuckerman climbed into the seat and drove into the field.

25、The cruise ship on which Nicklen and I hitched a ride, National Geographic Explorer, was 367 feet and 6, 000 tons.

26、More than 31,000 romantic couples are to get hitched this Sunday as the unique date proves to be the hottest day for a wedding this year.

27、Earlier last year, Brin got hitched on a sandbar in the Bahamas; rumor has it that the bachelor party involved kite surfing on the coast of Greenland.

28、The couple, who are hoping to get hitched at Worcester registry office next month, are now appealing for help and donations to make their dream wedding come true.

29、The false widow spider is not native to the UK it is believed to have hitched a ride within one of our fruit deliveries from the sunny Canary Islands.

30、This deep sea creepy-crawly gave oil workers a fright, after the unexpected visitor hitched a ride on a submarine sent from a rig in the Gulf of Mexico.