1、This country is being menaced by war.

2、Our country is menaced by war.

3、On Friday evenings, as the sun sets, she feels menaced by drunk drivers.

4、Its Renaissance palaces, historic churches, and stone Bridges are now menaced by floods more than 50 times a year.

5、It is the most expensive military project ever. It is plagued by delays and menaced by budget cuts. Will the F-35 survive?

6、To get there and back, they traveled for hours by airplane, taxi and rickshaw. They passed through border areas menaced by bandits.

7、1: Love Never Dies: Melinda must find a way to help Andrea, whose earthbound spirit is being menaced by the same entity Melinda has battled before.

8、The minority nationalities, and especially the people of Inner Mongolia who are directly menaced by Japanese imperialism, are now rising up in struggle.

9、Enthroned when only three years old, Guangxu did not begin to participate in state affairs until 1889 when he was 18 and when the Qing regime, menaced by neighbouring powers, was progressively declining.

10、As an urban-based scenic area, the ecological environment of the Sun Island scenic area is some seriously affected and menaced by the dual pressure from urbanization and the development of tourism.