1、Need badminton club's contact information?

2、Family and emergency contact information.

3、I'll fax you their contact information.

4、Those defects have customer contact information.

5、This contact information may change without notice.

6、Go get his emergency contact information from Tom.

7、Secondarily, a user can view, edit, and delete contact information.

8、A hacker could get numbers and contact information.

9、The name and contact information of the petitioner.

10、Note that there is another well-known choice for modeling contact information in RDF, based on the common vCard format for embedding contact information as E-mail attachments.

11、Establishing publishing credentials involves providing some verifiable identification information, contact information and establishing security credentials with the individual Operator Site.

12、As part of the registration process, you may be asked to provide contact information and other personally identifying information.

13、For example, you store the username, password, job title, contact information, and payroll information for every user.

14、The wrapper could also offer the user sales contact information, to buy the product immediately.

15、The ARTICLE contains contact information for anyone wishing to donate funds for him and his family.

16、Emergency contact information is also essential should anything happen during a disaster.

17、Introduce yourself, ask for an interview and give you contact information in the end.

18、We do not collect personally identifiable off-line contact information without prior parental consent.

19、Microformats allow users to mix in information about all sorts of extended concerns, such as calendar information, personal contact information, or picture metadata.

20、When gathering contact information, only gather the demographic information you really need - asking for unnecessary information annoys people and may discourage them from signing up.

21、The customer inputs the payment amount and recipient's contact information, which can be selected directly from his or her contact list.

22、In order to ensure your customers contact you, be sure that your contact information (especially phone, e-mail, address) are correct and true.

23、Scroll through your contacts and select the contact to be shared. It can be your own contact information or anyone else in your Contacts.

24、I guess they must not have your contact information, so they sent it addressed in care of your department head.

25、This application will provide a directory of employee contact information designed to be accessed from mobile devices.

26、When you answer a question, include your contact information and a brief 'elevator pitch' about your background.

27、Using this message, ordering and online recruitment, they do not have to fill in the relevant contact information;

28、Ofcourse, make sure that you have accurate contact information and haveestablished the best way to reach the volunteer.

29、White pages represent basic information on a business, such as its name, description of the business it does, contact information, and the like.

30、The first one is the White Pages, which includes basic information such as the business name, text description, and contact information.