1、Housetop is a compound word.

2、"Fingerprint" is a compound word.

3、soap is a compound substance; housetop is a compound word; a blackberry is a compound fruid.

4、Separating a compound word into two meaningful words.

5、Is a compound word, made up of two words.

6、Compound verb in Japanese simply belongs to the subcategory of compound word.

7、The manifested element may be a word, a compound word, a phrase or a clause.

8、To determine whether a word is a closed-form compound word, check a current dictionary.

9、According to the internal construction, the modern Chinese word can be classified into two big classes: simplex and compound word.

10、Sometimes two words come together to form a compound word, such as blackboard.

11、However, the meaning of a compound word is different from the separate meanings of its components.

12、A resource string contains a compound word that does not appear to be cased correctly.

13、Homesick is a compound word made up of home and sick.

14、Generally a compound word, consisting of two or more characters, provides the specific meaning.

15、The antonymous compound word comes directly from the phrase of antonym, and its source head is the single sound antonym.

16、Furthermore, it is more important to study the neural basis for headedness of Chinese compound word in future.

17、a punctuation mark (-) used between parts of a compound word or between the syllables of a word when the word is divided at the end of a line of text.

18、The practice of writing compound words or phrases such that each word or abbreviation begins with a capital letter except the first letter, which is lowercase.

19、In early draft scripts, the term Stardestroyer (as a compound word) described tiny two-man fighter craft used by the Empire.

20、You need to add a wildcard to find a document that contains the search term as part of a compound word.

21、The practice of writing compound words or phrases such that an underscore (_) separates one word from the next. This form is also known as underscore case.

22、The name of an identifier contains multiple words and at least one of the words appears to be a compound word that is not cased correctly.

23、For instance, subjects are given three words such as "age", "mile" and "sand"—and asked to come up with a single word that can precede or follow each of them to form a compound word.

24、Although doubts exists over the meaning of the term, it is basically certain that it referred to both groups as a whole for it had not developed into a compound word specifically refering to one category of people.

25、To the subordinate compound word, it is discussed that the semantic function of the former morpheme, the semantic type of morphemes, and the relationship of semantic between the morphemes.

26、It is safe to suppress a warning from this rule if both parts of the compound word are recognized by the spelling dictionary and the intent is to use two words.

27、The three Chinese compound words"前后( front and back)"、"左右( left and right)" and"上下( up and down)" involve considerably the cognitive law in the aspect of the word formation.