1、She will be my maid of honor.

2、You could be my maid of honor.

3、She is no more than a lowly maid of honor.

4、The maid of honor and the bride were classmates.

5、Today, I was the maid of honor in her wedding.

6、You get married, must let me be your maid of honor.

7、You came here pretending to be my friend, and I made you my maid of honor !

8、I'm going to be the maid of honor, 8months pregnant with his child, at their wedding.

9、The maid of honor, thoroughly Americanized by three years of college, was a ripe girl who already had a "reputation."

10、The bride chooses a close friend or relative to be her maid of honor, or matron of honor if the woman is married.

11、Today was my wedding day. One of the friends was my maid of honor, the other was my groom.

12、Several close friends participate in the ceremony as attendants, including the best man and the maid of honor.

13、At the end of August when she returned to Shanghai, Miss Su asked her to be the maid of honor at her wedding.

14、The maid of honor, bridesmaids, and flower girls are part of the wedding party and usually dress alike for the ceremony.

15、B. the maid of honor is the bride's sister, and the bridesmaids are her friend. My daughter is one of them.

16、I live in Texas, the wedding (and my mother) is in Florida, my maid of honor lives in Massachusetts, you get the idea.

17、Meanwhile, bridezilla Jenna taps Liz to be her maid of honor, and Tracy is invited to a dinner party by Kenneth and Hazel.

18、The groom wears a formal suit or tuxedo. Several close friends participate in the ceremony as attendants, including the best man and the maid of honor.

19、But when she finds out her lifetime best friend, Lillian (Maya Rudolph), is engaged, she simply must serve as her maid of honor.

20、新娘要选一位密友或近亲做伴娘。伴娘未婚的叫 “maid of honor”,已婚的叫 “matron of honor”。

21、She shed some tears while thinking of her late mother, but then regained her good spirits while leading the charge along with her bridesmaid, maid of honor, friend and aunt.

22、Thanks to the life that you have always been to me, I must be your maid of honor, your baby must call me a mother, the old woman must come out to drink tea to tell the old.