1、The lines are at an acute angle.

2、Correlation between lens and angle closure in acute angle-closure glaucoma

3、Clinical observation of acute angle-closure glaucoma after acute attack mitigation with ciliary body detachment

4、Angle configuration of acute angle-closure glaucoma after phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation combining with initial laser treatment

5、ANGLE OF INCIDENCE, The acute angle which the wing chord makes with the longitudinal axis of the aircraft.

6、Trabeculectomy for primary acute angle closure glaucoma with persistent high intraocular pressure

7、Surgical treatment of primary acute angle-closure glancoma with persistent high IOP

8、Quantitative measurement of the uniformity of diamond distribution by acute angle ratio method

9、Clinical observation of an improved suture method of scleral flap in trabeculectomy of acute angle-closure glaucoma

10、Obtuse triangle: One of the three angles is an obtuse Angle. The other two are acute angles.

11、Effect of early subconjunctival injection of 5-FU on anterior chamber inflammation in patients underwent acute angle-closure glaucoma surgery

12、Beeline fitting can keep the part of linearization and the acute angle of outlines of previous color blocks.

13、The crystal has two different impurity layers, and in the acute angle direction of the high transmission expected, their detect state has the same frequency;

14、Methods:We collect 52 patients (67 eyes) with primary acute angle-closure glaucoma who hospitalize in our hospital from 2003-3 to 2004-3 , including 23 men and 29women;

15、The ossifications were connected with outer plate of cranium with wide-basement or acute angle, and there were no scalp hematoma to span cranial sutures.

16、A good one-two with Shevchenko seven minutes later allowed the Ivorian to slide home his second from an acute angle on the edge of the six-yard box.

17、and, like one harmony more in this mass of harmonies,they pierced in quick succession the multiple open work of the gables with slashed spires, with open-work bell towers,with slender pinnacles, whose line was also only a magnificent exaggeration of the acute angle of the roofs.