1、Network logic is counterintuitive.

2、Yeah, that looks counterintuitive.

3、Bottom up reasoning is counterintuitive.

4、It seems counterintuitive at first.

5、This is, of course, a counterintuitive argument.

6、It's not as counterintuitive as it sounds.

7、Often, the right solutions can be counterintuitive and difficult.

8、Sometimes, these can be striking, and counterintuitive, challenging received wisdom.

9、It seems counterintuitive that those with the least money should be consuming more calories.

10、The first key to becoming great is, paradoxically, one of the hardest and most counterintuitive.

11、It's barely a taste of the radical and often counterintuitive "rules" that Kelly dishes out.

12、It may seem counterintuitive, but experts believe that skipping breakfast actually encourages obesity.

13、Applying this art of Tai Chi is often counterintuitive; mastering it takes constant practice.

14、It sounds counterintuitive, but you'll break through their miniscule personal space wall, forcing them to take a step back.

15、You also had some other counterintuitive insights - that optimism is overrated and worrying is OK. Could you get into these?

16、This system can behave in distinctive and counterintuitive ways, including sometimes flipping suddenly from one state to another.

17、It may seem counterintuitive①to Beijingers today, but American urbanists now recognize that traffic expands to fill the roads.

18、Number one, I was told, was to cut back on painkillers – it's counterintuitive, but they can cause "rebound" headaches, especially those, such as Migraleve, which contain codeine.

19、These two academics use an array of behavioral research to show that the most rewarding ways to spend money can be counterintuitive.

20、The counterintuitive trend is explained by the increasing financial inequality within American society, which allows the two measures to go in absolutely different directions.

21、Managers should therefore adopt an approach that appears counterintuitive—they should explain what stands to be lost if the company fails to seize a particular opportunity.

22、But many patients - and organizations of doctors and disease specialists - find themselves unready to accept the counterintuitive notion that more testing can be bad for your health.

23、The idea that helping mosquitoes, rather than destroying them, may be the way to eradicate malaria is pleasingly counterintuitive, even if it would mean more mosquito bites at night.

24、While it seems counterintuitive, non-secure data often goes through all the same operations as secure data, simply because the two types of data are stored in the same place.

25、And if part of his core message — in essence, that money isn't everything — seems rather counterintuitive in China these days, that's precisely the reason he has struck a chord.

26、This challenges most established ideas about software development and is to some degree counterintuitive, so we suggest you try TDD with an open mind and discover its power for yourself.