1、We tied first place.

2、Keen competition for first place.

3、Three companies are fighting for first place .

4、Why literacy in the first place?

5、Oh, my gosh! I won first place.

6、They tied for first place in the examination.

7、What brought you to Washington in the first place?

8、Forged into first place with seconds to go.

9、Theology occupied the first place among the sciences.

10、The teams met in fierce contention for first place.

11、Today, first place winners are awarded gold medals, second place winners, silver, and third place gets the bronze.

12、This is the first time that Japanese manufacturers occupy the first place in imported cars.

13、In pathological death, the diseases of circulatory systems hold the first place, and in non-pathological death, the suddenness of a cerebral blood vessel holds the first place.

14、Things have not changed much in this regard. today, first place winners are awarded gold medals, second place winners, silver, and third place gets the bronze.

15、Without too much effort, it will be the first in the world and the universe in the first place.

16、One of the first things we need to think about is what is life in the first place.

17、Contend for the championship (or first place); fight for the first prize; scramble for the title (or crown)

18、But it also took them longer to encode the information in the first place.

19、You should never have acted the way you did in the first place.

20、Safety work in pyrotechnics is always put in the first place of daily works by pyrotechnists.

21、The brain is the first place in the body to become dehydrated.

22、Many of these individuals are the ones responsible for silo-oriented thinking in the first place.

23、In the first place you are not old, Conway. And in the second place, you are a very strong and appealing man.

24、In developing cultural undertakings and industry, it is imperative to meet the requirements of developing advanced culture and always place social effects in the first place.

25、We should place the product quality in the first place. We would rather have fewer products with high quality than a large number of products with low quality.

26、A represents the 26 English letters in the first place, represents the first and only do best. Ingenuity to create a, quality and brand concept.

27、It's been a bit difficult to get it on the first row but I'm in first place so finally it happened.

28、First, the project selection centering on hot, difficult and key spots in economic and social development has combined S&T and economy in the first place.

29、Your entry is the first place clutter piles up. It's also the first space you (and your guests) see upon arrival.

30、Every morning, the first place I want to go is the living room. The first thing I remember is playing the zither.