1、capital exporting (importing) country

2、capital surplus oil exporting countries

3、Africa is exporting beef to Europe.

4、South Korea grew into an exporting powerhouse.

5、Strengthens their exporting ability and speeds their economy forward.

6、And, he says, exporting them would not be as cost-effective as exporting other forms of protein, such as chicken.

7、Those that survived, did so by exporting weapons.

8、The world's fastest-growing economy would be exporting unemployment.

9、First, the government is offering tax concessions to exporting firms.

10、We began exporting because of slow domestic sales.

11、They cannot solve paper exporting, specially the question which exporting with the unified form of Word documents.

12、The indirect costs of exporting from Africa (18 to 35 percnt of total costs) are exorbitant compared to exporting from China (8 percent of total costs).

13、In February 2001 when it first received its exporting license, the company started exporting worldwide, including Australia and other countries presently, and Russia in the near future.

14、In this powerful gathering, we have three of the five top tobacco-leaf exporting countries, and four of the five top cigarette-exporting countries.

15、Instead, both countries rely on exporting online services for a plurality of their economies.


17、Bob Shipley says exporting smoked squab would not be a solution either.

18、If necessary, AQSIQ will ask the exporting country for more information during the evaluation period;

19、In *, Kuwait was exporting 1.5 million barrels of oil a day.

20、Let's talk about exporting at our management meting tomorrow, mm? I'll put it on the agenda. Is that OK?

21、The Viewer toolbar has ICONS for displaying the table of contents, re-running the report, exporting data, exporting the report to another format, and client and server-side printing.

22、Purchase the group and comprehensive foreign trade company for exporting type industry's enterprises, foreign businessman in main serivce object.

23、limitation of the acceptance of conformity assessment results to those produced by designated Bodies in the exporting Member.

24、This corporation specializes in importing and exporting electronic products and wishes to enter into business relations with you.

25、International payments are made in the currency of the exporting country. Therefore, the paying countries have to buy the currency of the exporting country in the foreign exchange market.

26、The purpose of this article is to show several methods of exporting C++ classes from a DLL module.

27、Finally, almost a decade after the first cow got sick, Britain banned any recycling of farm animals and stopped exporting meat-based cattle feed.

28、However, the British don't have a history of exporting their foodstuffs, which makes it difficult for restaurants in Hong Kong to source authentic ingredients.

29、Exports do not contain any qualifiers; instead, you put a qualifier on the component you are exporting, which is explained in detail in Part 2.

30、If a weaker country left, risking not just European Banks but also the currency, it would become a pariah exporting its pain to its neighbours.