1、Austerity is fast altering that.

2、altering something secretly or improperly.

3、Hallucinogenic drugs are mind - altering substances.

4、It's all about altering the causes or inputs.

5、P20. The tilted salt filters halt alternately for altering.

6、A fourth bargaining chip is altering the point of delivery.

7、The tilted titled salt filters halt alternately for altering.

8、Healthy monitoring and altering system on-line of bridge structures Ⅰ--Design for monitoring assessment,altering system and modules

9、Much like an ascending master masters thought-form altering the reality that one manifests to serve ascension, so is earth altering her reality to serve ascension.

10、A lensed apparatus for altering the mode field of an optical signal is disclosed.

11、This example is only interested in altering the message on the way out of the client.

12、The process behind the assimilation and distribution of knowledge is already altering.

13、criminal falsification by making or altering an instrument with intent to defraud.

14、We do this by altering our metabolic rate, shivering or sweating.

15、Elephant and Manatee ancestors knew crystalline fat, but we are altering the genetic blueprint to be even more efficient.

16、Dark energy causes the acceleration by pushing space itself apart, altering the distances to the supernovas as it does so.

17、Ultimately, the team's goal was to achieve added ground clearance without altering the vehicle's center of gravity.

18、Forging, altering, transferring and leasing of the license for production and operation of the breeding livestock and poultry are prohibited.

19、Facebook notes that people can opt out of the photo-tagging service by altering their privacy Settings.

20、According to the modern assets pricing theory, the housing and land tax can influence the trends of housing price by altering the expected added value of housing inv...

21、Using tput, you can alter several terminal capabilities, such as moving or altering the cursor, changing text properties, and clearing specific areas of the terminal screen.

22、By altering the furnace pressure rapidly, baneful gases, such as oxygen and vapour, could be eliminated from the chamber. Therefore, cementite and nitriding processes are accelerated.

23、A company's performance can be improved in some other way than by altering its pay system may be empirically correct but contrary to the consultants' interests.

24、The influence of chitosan on the release of etoposide was studied by altering the concentration of chitosan in the process of capsule preparation.

25、The horse should remain light and soft' on the bit' and be able to go smoothly from the passage to the piaffe and vice-versa, without apparent effort and without altering the cadence, the impulsion being always lively and pronounced.

26、Damaging, moving or altering road ancillary facilities or damaging or moving signs or boundary markers of building control areas of roads to threaten the road safety in violation of the provisions of Article52 and Article56 of this law.

27、"Mutagen: Any agent capable of altering a cell's genetic makeup by changing the structure of the hereditary material, DNA. Many forms of electromagnetic radiation (e.g., cosmic rays, X rays, ultraviolet light) are mutagenic, as are various chemical compounds."

28、"Many chemicals are believed to act as neurotransmitters. The few that have been identified include acetylcholine, dopamine, and serotonin. Some neurotransmitters activate neurons; others inhibit them. Some mind-altering drugs act by changing synaptic activity."

29、With the constrained optimization method, a new algorithm for shape modification of NURBS surfaces is presented by altering the location of control points and the weights of original surfaces.