1、vehicles of all sorts,

2、This copy runs on sorts.

3、All sorts of rumors are going around.

4、There was no Post threshold sorts activity.

5、There are various sorts of these.

6、To have experienced all sorts of hardships

7、Even pterodactyls had filaments of sorts.

8、CouchDB's emit function works as an organizer of sorts.

9、Customers take all sorts of different approaches to standby machines.

10、OLTP applications should not be performing large sorts.

11、JOHN CASSIDY's new book is a sequel of sorts.

12、The traditional world was crumbling in all sorts of ways.

13、All sorts of small feeding funnels provide many sorts of feeding combination to meet all kinds of shaping.

14、There are two sorts of ways you could fiddle with neurotransmitters and correspondingly two sorts of drugs.

15、It is country and all sorts of all sorts of society groups, held public weal establishment, extend subsidiary allowance, have social service and initiate collective, welfare work.

16、"I've done projects in the past where I have invited all sorts of people — children, old people, builders, footballers, doctors, all sorts — to take part," she said.

17、"For so many years I've written all sorts of stuff under all sorts of pen names. I'm not sure I can sort them out at the moment."

18、She grows all sorts of flowers and plants in her small garden.

19、The seaside had all sorts of pleasant associations with childhood holidays for me.

20、The course of social change has often been boiled down to poetic mantras-of-sorts.

21、Now, let’s move to PDM, PLM and other “sorts” of collaboration.

22、This kind of state has caused all sorts of drawbacks of public utilities directly.

23、The traders of Sheba and Raamah did trade with you; they gave the best of all sorts of spices and all sorts of stones of great price and gold for your goods.

24、Anyway Su wood cloud sees after this invitation letter even now the in the mind has thousand sorts the viewpoint of ten thousand sorts can't appear the circumstance that manager Liu worries as well.

25、Statements of Compere In light of ideal development, Hegel probed into three kinds of an sorts of symbolization, classicality and romance for three kinds of historical sorts of art aesthetics.

26、The past offers all sorts of unsavoury stories of behaviour brought into the realm of medicine with dire effects.

27、The article describes the implementation of OAM functions through the analysation of all sorts of OAMPDU structures.

28、ServiceMix is an ESB that relies heavily on ActiveMQ, but enables you to integrate messages from all sorts of environments.

29、Make these stylistic elements part of your routine. There are all sorts of approaches to memory issues.

30、If there's a military conflict, that may well bring all sorts of new words to the fore.