1、fireworks and crackers

2、Serve with crackers.

3、He borrows a string of fire crackers.

4、They can also play crackers and fireworks.

5、Some of my friends like soda crackers.

6、potato chips, crackers, breakfast cereals and bread.

7、complex carbohydrates instead, like whole-wheat crackers andmultigrain breads.

8、We served some crackers and cheese as an appetizer.

9、Peanut butter on whole-wheat bread, sesame bread, or crackers.

10、I'm not really hungry -- I'll just have some crackers.

11、Crackers, cheese, fruit, carrot sticks, PB&J sandwiches, graham crackers, peanuts, raisins all make good portable snacks.

12、Simple veggies or fruit are good choices or crackers — something not too high in calories.

13、Please don't give me any cakes. I only want soda-crackers.

14、Do you believe that we can use crackers to frighten away evil spirits?

15、Mom: Okay. Please take some fruit salad and crackers for me.

16、For variety, spread some almond butter on fruit slices or whole wheat crackers.

17、In the next day or so, eat only light foods such as bananas, rice, applesauce, toast, crackers, and soup.

18、A breeder said that his main concern is that the pair are so addicted to American crackers that everything they eat - from bamboos to apples - has to be mixed with crackers.

19、No one will care that you don't have a 10 cheese platter with 12 types of crackers.

20、Eat a piece of fruit and some low-fat cheese on crackers later in the morning if you feel hungry.

21、We didn’t have a kitchen pantry, so our crackers and dry goods were in the bathroom under the towels.

22、Usage: Mainly applicable to the manufacture of sulfuric acid.dyes,rubber products, agricultural chemicals,medicines,fire crackers and matches.

23、Cool and squeeze out the garlic storing in an airtight container for future use; or serve hot spread upon toast or crackers along with some blue cheese.

24、Just as it is impossible to whistle and chew crackers at the same time, you cannot give love and be depressed.

25、Some foods were invented during the Depression, such as spam, Ritz crackers, Krispy Kreme doughnuts and Kraft macaroni and cheese, according to livinghistoryfarm.org.

26、or, more likely, a selection of baked goods such as doughnuts, cookies, slices of cake, or crackers will be available, too.

27、However, they have not shed all their old habits; they still prefer American crackers to Chinese bread, and know English better than Chinese.

28、Rev it up: Spread almond butter on whole-grain crackers, or combine a handful of raw almonds with unsweetened dried fruit for a satisfying snack full of fiber and protein.

29、Oh, and remember lots of Perrier, and croissants for breakfast, and do one of your in-credible home -- made soups for Christmas Eve lunch, and we must have crackers and chestnuts and a big tree.

30、A custom build also provides extra protection features, such as the Nanomites. Since most would-be crackers simply use the tools provided by more skilled ones, this will stop almost all of them cold.