1、 The door clicked shut.

2、The pistol clicked empty.

3、The door clicked shut.

4、He clicked his tongue.

5、Gracie's illogical logic clicked immediately

6、That film' s really clicked.

7、The camera whirred and clicked.

8、The song clicked with the highschool students.

9、The computer clicked off all the figures

10、The camera was moved(when clicked).

11、He clicked his fingers at the waiter.

12、He's never really clicked with his students.

13、She clicked "Home" and waited for the Skype connection.

14、Kate clicked on the mail icon on her computer screen.

15、The applause rose to a crescendo and cameras clicked.

16、When clicked, Reader's list view is loaded on the right.

17、The camera clicked and their picture was taken.

18、Seventy-three percent of the links studied were clicked on at least 11 times, and 33 percent were clicked on as many as 50 times.

19、She'd felt ever since the first meeting that something had clicked between them.

20、Indicates that the user has double-clicked on a header divider in the view

21、You can keep the notification area uncluttered by hiding icons that you have not clicked recently.

22、The promotion of getting your picture clicked with one's most furious face was just corny though!

23、Have you ever clicked the sign for anybody on the Internet?

24、She clicked on the screen and a form appeared for her to fill in her personal information.

25、Figure 2 shows what the LiveGrid would look like after the user had clicked on the scrollbar once.

26、createWebStartLaunchButton(jnlpURL) Outputs a button that when clicked, ensures webstart is installed and launches the specified JNLP.

27、 When the door was pushed open, the bronze bell clicked on it, causing her to turn around conditionally.

28、Lights clicked on upstairs and to his horror Harry realized that the big, squashy something had been his uncle's face.

29、A code value that represents a key that is clicked to indicate that the input to a field has been completed.

30、The bad news is that the End User Licensing Agreement (EULA) that you clicked--and probably never read--when installing a program may prevent you from doing so.