1、He deliberated upon the matter.

2、We deliberated what to do.

3、Congress deliberated the question of raising taxes.

4、He deliberated his decision for several days.

5、The jury deliberated for three hours.

6、We deliberated whether we should cancel the order.

7、The jury deliberated for five days before finding him guilty.

8、Harry deliberated, wondering whether he ought to lie or not.

9、The jury deliberated for four hours before bringing a verdict.

10、Artistic creation is a very complicated and deliberated aesthetics work.

11、It looks to many as if he has dithered, not deliberated.

12、The first trial lasted three weeks, and the jury deliberated for another week.

13、Minutes shall be kept of the resolutions on the matters deliberated at creditors' meetings.

14、Drawing process for shaping the brake drum oil shield of truck CA151 has been deliberated.

15、The sergeant deliberated for a moment and then agreed to unlock the door.

16、The Draft on the application for issuance of Peng Hua Global Discovery Securities Investment Fund was deliberated and passed.

17、I should, if I had deliberated, have replied to this question by something conventionally vague and polite.

18、She had not planned to get pregnant and had deliberated hard about going ahead as a single parent.

19、When I was editing my film, I deliberated about whether I should show this section of the film.

20、If a state-owned one-man company acts as a transferor (transferee), the gratuitous transfer shall be deliberated by the board of directors.

21、It was only this sinful edict that was not easy to write. Xu Bin looked ahead and backward, repeatedly deliberated and counted his manuscripts to make it out.

22、A 23-year-old bank employee from Harbin in northeastern China said she deliberated for a week before she underwent a $15,000 operation to reshape her cheekbones and jaw line.

23、In June 1999, the Tenth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth NPC deliberated and passed the Garrison Law of the MSAR of the PRC, which officially went into effect on December 20, 1999.

24、The Standing Committee heard and deliberated the State Council's report on the intermediate assessment of the implementation of the Outline of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan at its December meeting.

25、This paper analyzed about the present condition of the county domain development of Min he county and about some outstanding problem in it, and deliberated on how to further prod it.

26、In this paper, the fibrous palygorskite deposit in the northwest of Guizhou are treated of in geology characterristic, mineralization conditions and mechanism, the origin of the deposit is deliberated, further putting forward the origination of prospecting in the northwest of Guizhou.