1、Friction generates heat.

2、Exchange generates interdependence.

3、Annually, the world generates 1.

4、A circuit that generates a specified waveform.

5、This business generates cash in prodigious amounts.

6、The rand() function generates a random integer.

7、When coal burns, it generates heat.

8、A similar mechanism generates our ocean tides.

9、To put this in context, wind currently generates only 0.4% of Chinese electricity. Coal generates 80%.

10、Value generates confidence, faith generates enthusiasm, and enthusiasm conquers the world.

11、Another portion of the LUT generates carry-out bits.

12、a warning device that generates a loud low tone.

13、Annually, the world generates 1.3 billion tons of solid waste.

14、A device that generates light, heat, or therapeutic radiation.

15、The terrible weather generates considerable effect on the road system.

16、A geometric element that generates a geometric figure, especially a straight line that generates a surface by moving in a specified fashion.

17、The state machine generates the select signal that controls multiplexer 510.

18、Ssh-keygen generates two files: id_dsa (the private key) and id_dsa.pub (the public key).

19、The generateNumbers method generates an array of numbers corresponding to the numbers on a lottery ticket.

20、Using hardware digital synthesis method, the signal source generates three phase sinusoidal voltage and current signal.

21、NET version of Scala is also under development that generates CLR byte code.

22、If you use a code generator, really look at the code it generates; if you use database tools, take a look at the underlying SQL it generates; and so on.

23、Today, energy storage is a $33 billion global industry that generates nearly 100 gigawatt-hours of electricity per year.

24、Now, when the destination server receives this trackback request, the server generates one of two responses, both formatted in XML.

25、Compared with paper bags, producing plastic ones USES less energy and water and generates less air pollution and solid waste.

26、Like paraelectric materials, this generates electricity from a heat source and produces cooling from an electrical source.

27、Perl generates errors and stops execution if taint mode is enabled and it identifies a tainted value being used. For example, using an insecure PATH generates the following error.

28、For hot desert locations with access to seawater, a new greenhouse design generates freshwater and cool air.

29、In fact, going beyond compliance saves cost at the same time that it generates cash, provided that management adopts the new lean and green model.

30、Model checking utilizes the state model of systems, thus, we present a method that generates the stale models from LSC models based on the LSC semantics.