1、Rubinius has long had a powerful Debugger API, and now Rubinius 1.2 adds ruby-debug support.

2、You can use Rubinius too but we don't have dedicated tools for Rubinius at the moment.

3、When asked how well Rubinius supports existing Ruby gems.

4、Rubinius has fast debugging using special bytecodes at runtime.

5、Rubinius' full speed debugger is made possible by these characteristics

6、Rubinius, a Ruby implementation that currently also uses userspace threading, recently added MVM support. With this code vm = Rubinius::VM.spawn


8、syslog module from Rubinius is working and included

9、Rubinius is the only alternative implementation that offers Ruby C-API compatibility to C extension authors.

10、It's important to point out that Rubinius is using bytecode interpretation.

11、For example, Rubinius could pre-compile all the.rb files in the gem to reduce startup time.

12、In 1.0-rc1, you have to pass — enable-llvm to configure to have Rubinius built with LLVM.

13、I've been using the Rubinius bm scripts and tests to collect up performance Numbers for the various Ruby implementations.

14、We've already gotten some external reports of some real, in the wild code being a few times faster under Rubinius.

15、Besides the performance and compatibility improvements, Rubinius also advances in other areas, like error reporting of missing closing ends.

16、Every release should narrow the gap and eventually push Rubinius over the top with all core methods in terms of performance compared to 1.8.

17、He then presents nine points that are vital to the success of the Rubinius community and can also be used as guidelines for other open projects.

18、Revactor and Rubinius Actors are largely duck typed to each other, so writing programs which are cross-compatible shouldn't be too much of a headache.

19、Some of the bigger projects that we've sponsored and contributed to include Rubinius, a Ruby run-time alternative to the MRI interpreter, and Merb, another Ruby framework, now merging into Rails 3.

20、Rubinius was only faster in 2 of 11, and actually error or timeout on 4. If you look at those benchmarks, you’ll see that they are basically tests of a few core methods, mainly things like String#



23、比起那些依靠trace方式调试的Ruby实现(不论这些实现的速度有多快),全速调试器都使得Rubinius具有了独特的优势。 同样值得注意的是:除了整个yield_debugger指令使用了一些C代码,绝大多数Rubinius调试功能都是内建的。

