1、The plane skimmed the treetops.

2、Autumn leaves from the treetops.

3、Clouds of birds rose from the treetops.

4、The wind sighed in the treetops.

5、All they heard was the wind whispering through the treetops.

6、Stewart: Through treetops, but then ultimately on top of them.

7、All the Spaces had a trapezoidal shape. The bedroom Windows looked out over the treetops.

8、As dusk crept over the treetops, we pulled into Prince George.

9、They leap over the treetops and chase each other's flowing clothes.

10、The wind through the treetops, shattered the petals, become scar season.

11、A good time, gently hanging in the treetops, how let person some pity.

12、Walking in spring, beside the willow embankment, the gentle spring breeze brushed the treetops, and the willow branches swayed gently.

13、They even sleep in the treetops, so they do not have to come down to the ground.

14、 The weather continued to be hot, and the knowledge on the treetops kept screaming, which made it even more noisy.

15、In the beginning, there are only heliotrope flowers on the treetops. Few days later, new green leaves are growth out.

16、Volunteer is only the slave of memory, always beginning and ending, like unripe fruit densely covered with treetops, once red rot will leave the branches.

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18、There is nothing left inside – no words, no anger, no tears.

19、The cuckoo, the sparrow and the song jumped from tree to tree and flew out of the treetops to the sky.

20、To get photos on private property, paparazzi have taken photos from rooftops or treetops-or rented helicopters to fly over private homes.

21、"They all fly weakly, and they sit in treetops when not feeding on insects, lizards, Birds' eggs, fruits, and Berries. They call loudly while jerking the head or tail. Maddeningly vocal or repetitious species are sometimes called Brain-fever Birds"

22、 I remember that when I was young, I didn't understand or love. I just walked around under the plane trees and the rain rustled on the treetops. We looked at each other silly and laughed.

23、Instead of making a clean break, water evaporating from treetops tugs on the remaining water molecules, with that tug extending from molecule to molecule all the way down to the roots.

24、Early in the morning, the birds were hanging in the treetops again, the insect dishes were flying again, and the cicadas were crying happily, as if they were enjoying the rare cool.

25、As we were loading our kayaks onto the boat for the trip back to Petersburg, a floatplane suddenly came roaring overhead, skimming above the treetops as it came in for a landing on a nearby bay.

26、Passing through the treetops and breaking the petals of a place became the remnant of our season. It turned out that happiness is really very simple, as long as a little music, so that the corners of the mouth can be tilted up.

27、 The westward inclined sun leaked a few rays of unsteady sunlight from the treetops, and across the window panes, it seemed as if the chills were rising sharply. On both sides of the road stood several Magnolia trees. In the early spring of the south of the Yangtze River, the Magnolia blossomed and stood on the branches with dig

28、Busy and leisurely, my son and I sat under the tree on the safety island of Ren Ai Road, feeding pigeons. The cool wind penetrated the treetops and the shadows of the trees were whirling. Although it was a summer afternoon, it was also very cool.

29、The wind swept over the treetops and shattered the petals of the ground, becoming the remnant of our season. It turned out that happiness is really very simple, as long as a little music, so that the corners of the mouth can be tilted up.