1、electric bedside lamp

2、No, just the bedside lamp.

3、She switched on the bedside lamp.

4、In addition, Suggestions to install wall lamp lamp bedside lamp instead of (saving space).

5、He fumbled for the bedside lamp and turned it on.

6、Over here is the switch for the bedside lamp.

7、Swinging around, Keycase lunged for a bedside lamp.

8、Daylight, writing desk lamp, floor lamp, bedside lamp and so on are all traditional lamps and lanterns.

9、In the drawer of the furniture, cover, pillow and the bedside lamp are stored.

10、The dim bulb of the bedside lamp cast a soft radiance over his face.

11、Double room setting wall is a landscape, a piece of tile seems simple, with the bedside lamp, but very clever.

12、 Two cotton quilts are laid in parallel with the wardrobe. The round bedside lamp gives the room a warm feeling.

13、In the door and into my room, put on the bedside lamp, the bag on the bed.

14、You should be the last person to talk about wasting electricity!How about all the times you fell asleep with your bedside lamp on all night?

15、In the reflection of the dim bedside lamp she looked like a statue with her pale, almost bloodless face and large black eyes.

16、Get a small spotlight and set it so the poster is highlighted when the main light is turned off, a normal directional bedside lamp will do.

17、Imagine being a singing star and waking in the middle of the night realizing that your only companion is a dimly lit bedside lamp, again?

18、He waited, and when she did not open her eyes he wished her a night of good sleep and clicked off the bedside lamp.

19、Even when we turn off the bedside lamp and are fast asleep, electricity is working for us, driving our refrigerators, heating our water, or keeping our rooms air-conditioned.

20、Even when we turn off the bedside lamp and are fat asleep, electricity is working for us, driving our refrigerators, heating our water, or keeping our rooms air-conditioned.