1、Property dialog boxes

2、Click OK until all dialog boxes close.

3、Use consistent terminating commands for modeless dialog boxes.

4、Grant assemblies access to the following file dialog boxes:

5、These elements include forms, dialog boxes, tabs, trees, and grids.

6、Property dialog boxes can be either modal or modeless.

7、There are two types of dialog boxes: modal and modeless. Modal dialogs boxes are, by far, the most common variety.

8、They are visually very similar to modal dialog boxes, but they are functionally very different.

9、The third and last view section instantiates the dialog boxes used within the reader.

10、Property and function dialog boxes are intentionally requested by users—they serve users.

11、The stack window gives alternative way to manage multiple dialog boxes inside single window( see picture).

12、Modeless dialog boxes frequently have several buttons that immediately invoke various functions.

13、Most conventional dialog boxes have at least one terminating command, a control that, when activated, causes the dialog box to shut down and go away.

14、The command cannot be performed because a dialog box is open. Click OK, and then close open dialog boxes to continue.

15、If you have limited time and resources to deal with interaction design issues, we recommend leaving modeless dialog boxes pretty much the way they are, but adopting two guiding principles and applying them consistently to all modeless dialog boxes.

16、They also offer two characteristics that modeless dialog boxes don’t: They are visually different from dialog boxes, and there is no need to worry about dismissing them because they are omnipresent—thus there is no need for terminating controls.

17、Indeed, dialog boxes provide for more natural conversations: You present information, ask for a response, and react accordingly.

18、Neither menus nor dialog boxes have this immediate property. Each one requires an intermediate step, sometimes more than one.

19、Actually, because modal dialog boxes only stop their owning applications, they are more precisely named application modal.

20、Similar to menus, dialog boxes can be effective command vectors for users who are still learning an application.

21、As you will see, Windows has replaced the DOS prompt with pull-down menus and dialog boxes.

22、The problem is that there is no equivalent for modeless dialog boxes. Because the controls on a modeless dialog box are always live, the equivalent concept is clouded in confusion.

23、Contrary to user-interface paradigms of 20 years ago, menus and dialog boxes shouldn’t be the main method by which normal users perform everyday functions.

24、Function dialog boxes not only allow users to initiate an action, but they often also enable users to configure the details of the action’s behavior.

25、We must break this habit. The designer must assure that all modeless dialog boxes are rendered with a clearly noticeable visual difference.

26、Sovereign applications similarly benefit from rich input. Every frequently used aspect of the application should be controllable in several ways. Direct manipulation, dialog boxes, keyboard mnemonics, and keyboard accelerators are all appropriate.

27、The window specified as the owner of any dialog boxes that either the ODBC Driver Manager or the specific ODBC driver creates to obtain additional information from the user about the new data source.

28、Keep the user’s focus of attention on that window and never force him into supporting subwindows or dialog boxes to take care of the main function of the application.

29、Radio buttons are well suited to a teaching role, which means that they can be justified in infrequently used dialog boxes, but drop-down list boxes are often a better choice on the surface of a sovereign application which must cater to daily users.