1、Older and wiser.

2、He is none the wiser.

3、infinitely better, taller, wiser, etc

4、The end user is none the wiser.

5、Perhaps he has grown wiser with age.

6、He seems to be none the wiser.

7、In the end, wiser counsels prevailed.

8、to become wiser after being duped

9、In that case the wiser people would employ Dr. Blick.

10、He is wiser than most men is, that is honest.

11、It is wise to plan well, plan wiser and wiser, and do well is the cleverest and best.

12、For all my advice she was never the wiser.

13、Arden appears to be no wiser than before.

14、You'll be wiser like God. You can get away with it.

15、The tigers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction.

16、One does not feel wiser, braver or more optimistic after drinking it.

17、I might have been as good as you, and perhaps wiser.

18、Here's a blueprint for a happier, wiser us: why don't celebrities leave us alone?

19、In those days he was wiser than he is now: he used frequently to take my advice .

20、But, it will be wiser enough to keep a sound balance between specific education and general education.

21、He would not have done it with an older, wiser woman, but in Carrie he saw only the novice.

22、If you realize that you're the problem, then you can change yourself, learn something and grow wiser.

23、"If we slip out of town to amuse ourselves and come back later, they won't be any the wiser."

24、McDonald's is the lightest place in the foggy morning; it is wiser to stay at McDonald's than to find a hotel before day breaks.

25、Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it and wiser than the one that comes after it.--William Shakespeare

26、 Early in the morning, if you want to go to the park, it will be doubtful. It's wiser to get off anywhere in the residential area.

27、Although this kind of answer is risky, it is much easier and wiser to attract people's interest than those old versions.

28、Now that you are a bit older and wiser, you can sidestep unhealthy relationship patterns and find a person who can truly make you happy.

29、(Kuala Lumpur)Malaysian Information Minister Mohammed Rahmat said people who took part in the "Lasting Peace" demonstrations should not become foreign puppets to sabotage the country and should, instead, take wiser approaches to express their wills.

30、Better design and wiser use of both mass transit systems and private vehicles will play an important part in helping America get more out of energy used for transportation.