1、This already makes certain optimizations possible.

2、Some apparent optimizations can turn out to worsen performance.

3、These engines perform optimizations to run code faster, and clearly, these optimizations make variable access much faster than others.

4、Results from the execution phase help in such optimizations.

5、These solutions involve configuration tuning and other subtle optimizations that require little restructuring of the SOA.

6、These compilers have added flags that take advantage of POWER6 optimizations, mentioned previously in this article.

7、The hotfix also includes some optimizations of the Application Control feature.

8、Though DB2 does its own optimizations, code page conversions may or may not be necessary.

9、In addition to the optimizations that this article has already covered, I keep the following items on my list.

10、Here are our recovery rules (for this example, using 2pc with presumed abort and our specific optimizations). After a failure.

11、Development on oral intestinal absorption mechanism for metform in hydrochloride and its formulation optimizations of gel-matrix tablets

12、Marcin is continuing to work on various optimizations, but both Ola and I have been playing with the new code.

13、Many, but not all, of the optimizations are being back ported from the latest version to previous ones.

14、The purpose of these optimizations is to avoid invocation of the regular SQL runtime interpreter wherever possible to shorten the code path.

15、These sorts of optimizations can result in remapping metadata tokens that the tool must be able to reuse in order to emit the implementation and RVA information.

16、Until we can create goals that are greater than each team where no team can succeed alone, we will get local optimizations.

17、If possible, operations are pushed down to execute remotely at the data source in order to take advantage of optimizations that may exist there (such as indexes).

18、In the end, the team ended up switching from object arrays to index arrays and from classes to structs, amongst several other optimizations, for that particular part of the application.

19、If an EJB is local, a vendor can use the same type of optimizations that would have been possible for dependent objects, but without changing the underlying programming model.

20、The following sections provide examples of the kinds of optimizations that you can support by changing the design of a document like the one in Listing 1 so that it uses distinct element names.

21、Because my workstation has an AMD Athlon XP processor in it, I can use this handy -march=athlon-xp switch in gcc 3.x to automatically turn on the processor-specific optimizations such as SSE.