1、at first appearance

2、Love at first sight.

3、Mary thought so at first.

4、use extreme remedies at first ;

5、It seems counterintuitive at first.

6、We left at first light.

7、At least is different from at first.

8、It is like love at first sight.

9、They set off at first light.

10、I was a little nervy at first.

11、The cost was imperceptible at first.

12、I can't judge at first sight.

13、You won't be good at it at first, most likely.

14、Strangers at first meeting become familiar at the next.

15、You must be good at learning at first.

16、I believe in love at first sight, and I only believe in love at first sight.

17、This is called love at first text, a play on love at first sight.

18、Hu Yizhi: to avoid falling into love at first sight, remember not to look at her at first sight.

19、It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight.

20、At this time of night, a handful of quiet overflowing, scattered in a bright, strong love, deep love, expressing lines and lines of words, with a crippled poem to record a piece of idiocy.

21、Martin's face, flushed at first, paled as he read on.

22、By the analysis to the basic geologic trellis at first.

23、That there's no such thing as love at first sight or first kiss.

24、Corpses were not at first handed over to families.

25、Coach: Yeah, but you'll take it slow at first.

26、This first time idea is not really so strange as it may sound at first.

27、老师说“at first”不能乱用那么我想说:“At first,I love you.”

28、The first time you see a person, the body temperature at 38.6 degrees is called love at first sight.

29、Methods The statistical description of fertility rate, age at first marriage, age at first birth, interval between marriage and first birth, birth interval.

30、If at first you dont succeed, try again... unless you fail at skydiving.