1、A round hollow in a hillside; a cirque.

2、Those who show extent decorate very special, the cirque that layer upon layer photograph covers seem.

3、The cirque feeder defines as special equipment that is used for providing coal quantificationally in the coal restore system.

4、Besides the Bow Valley, evidence of glaciation also appears in this image south of the lake, in the amphitheater-shaped cirque.

5、Aiming at brazing crack induced by thermal stress during the process of brazing, finite element method was used to analyze the residual stress of joints between the cemented carbide cirque and steel.

6、La télévision est un spectacle. C'est une tribune, une scène, un journal du monde, un stade, un cirque.- 电视是一场演出。那是一个看台、一个舞台、一份世界报纸、一个体育馆、一个马戏团。