1、Go straight on for two miles.

2、Turn right and go straight on.

3、You can only go straight on.

4、Turn left and go straight on .

5、Go straight on, take the first turning on the right.

6、Where is the school, please? Go straight on.

7、Go straight on and you'll see a church.

8、Do I go straight on for the Mayflower Hotel?

9、street door =door that opens straight on the street

10、Drive straight on until you come to a crossroads.

11、Go straight on, then take the first turning on the left .

12、Go straight on, then take the third turning on the right.

13、Sit up straight on your chair; do not lean heavily against the back.

14、Go straight on till you come to a tall building then turn to the left.

15、After you get off the bus, cross the road and walk straight on.

16、Second star to the right and straight on to the morning.

17、We will go straight on, for we shall meet no one.

18、As he reached the door, he was showered straight on the head with a basin of slops.

19、The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down.

20、Rita: go through the park and around the circle. Then go straight on Main Street to the coffee shop.

21、When you climbing along a serpentine trail walk straight on the highest point of charming scenery - at the.

22、Go straight on this street, turn to the left at the second corner, and you'll find it.

23、ASTM Numbers are based primarily on mechanical property, whereas UNS is based on chemical composition. Hence, there isn't a straight one-for-one correlation.

24、When hammerheads swim into clouds of odor, they usually do not swim straight on. Instead, their bodies are on an angle.

25、The council have not said it is anti-social and the police would have been straight on to me if it was parked illegally," he said.

26、"No one is pushing against another; everyone goes straight on his way: bursting through the sword points, their order is not broken."

27、Owner Patricia Swinley said: "When he first saw Daisy he rushed across the yard and just jumped straight on her back.

28、Tyler said, "Yeah it counted," and hit me, straight on, pox, just like a cartoon boxing glove on a spring on Saturday morning cartoons, right in the middle of my chest and I fell back against a car.

29、I saw a ray of brilliant light bursting out from Menglong's eyes, and then he kicked me on the wrist. I fell back and turned straight on my back.