1、Privilege was interpreted as responsibility.

2、His silence was interpreted as guilt.

3、Each micro-reality can be interpreted as an alternative landscape.

4、The remaining parameters are all interpreted as non-option parameters.

5、It can also be interpreted as a lack of preparedness.

6、The exponent is interpreted as a signed integer, allowing negative as well as positive exponents.

7、Once interpreted as signs of pathology, Qaddafi's eccentricities were redefined as mere personality quirks.

8、a word taken literally; a smile taken as consent; an open door interpreted as an invitation.

9、Some prefer to describe this as part of what is interpreted as development.

10、Spoofing can be interpreted as the network security term used for forging.

11、In previous versions error of HDD with the same readiness indication was interpreted as timeout.

12、Or, more often, it will be interpreted as a second, independent click.

13、Its superficiality and banality could be interpreted as a critique of shopping.

14、This finding has been interpreted as evidence that people gathered at Pueblo Alto for special ceremonies.

15、Nowadays, presenting an apple to the teacher is interpreted as a gesture of goodwill or as an element of bribery.

16、Conversely, at least one expert worried that the real problem wasn't in the date being interpreted as an end-of-file marker (or trailer), but in an end-of-file marker being interpreted as a date.

17、If the whole story is put on the mainland, it may be interpreted as a big joke.

18、F: To the outside world, our custom may be interpreted as a singn of flippancy or lax discipline. Get it?

19、These comments were interpreted as a signal that Germany would agree to circumvent the no-bail-out rules.

20、This reduction might with reason have been interpreted as a sign of his early disappearance from the military scene.

21、To those outside the company, it may be interpreted as a sign of flippancy or lax discipline.

22、He also invented a word for it, entropy from Greek and meaning "in turning" the turning being interpreted as "transforming" -as to disorder.

23、Sure, it can be interpreted as a negative statement, but if you think about it there are certain positive truths in this statement as well.

24、Because it's often mentioned as one of the pillar techniques in agile methodologies, refactoring is interpreted as working only for teams adhering to these principles.

25、The core value of the expo theme can be interpreted as following: the City, built by people, has been evolving and growing into an organic system.

26、You've said you want a relationship with America that is "solid but not slavish," which was interpreted as a dig at Tony Blair.

27、The specific scene of life should be interpreted as a cultural being, and what moral education present in life is moral culture and moral wisdom.

28、You must use quotes to set a variable to a lone slash, because an unquoted slash is interpreted as a division sign.

29、The core value can be interpreted as following: The City, built by people, has been evolving and growing into an organic system.