1、Naoki Wada is not looking forward to this.

2、Iwade police gave a certificate of gratitude to Wada for saving the man's life.

3、A group calling itself "Fancy Bears" claimed responsibility for the hack of a Wada database.

4、The World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada) has condemned Russian hackers for leaking confidential medical files of star US Olympic athletes.

5、Wada, a Japanese scholar pointed out this, but he did not do a careful textual research on it.

6、I only remember if floc is produced in Myanmar, the appearance of fine lines is the Wada side bar?

7、Deep cuts: Whalers peel back a layer of fat, or blubber, before harvesting the meat underneath on July 30 in Wada Port.

8、McLaren said he had "only skimmed the surface" in his 57-day investigation, and Wada wants the Canadian to "complete his mandate" by identifying athletes who benefited from the programme.

9、"In consequence of the decease of Mr. Wada, my esteemed partner, the firm of Yamoto Shokai has undergone some necessary changes, and I have the pleasure to inform you that I have entered into partnership with Mr. Uchida. "