1、Harvest practitioner models to project models.

2、mineral deposit models

3、O Rethink distribution models.

4、Look at our models!

5、statistic models evaluation

6、general circulation models

7、Bi-directional transformation of DSL models to UML models.

8、Thinglink's business models are twofold.

9、Business models of consumer information

10、Competing data from different models.

11、MDA defines the following models

12、With models, comprehension was easy.

13、Project models: This layer contains models that descend from the enterprise models and contain transient differences.

14、All exponential models, power function models, root-squaring models, hyperbolic models, but logarithm models can't disclose the laws of the post - construction settlement of the high embankment.

15、The models included empirical model, models based on heat transfer analogy and models based on differential mass balance.

16、Discusses the designs of concept models, logic models, physical models and standardization of the database in timetable planning system.

17、Whenever possible, create reusable objects and build multi-tier models that separate physical models from business models.

18、Life cycle of project and practitioner models.

19、The MDA approach USES the following models.

20、Also many new and detailed aircraft models.

21、The logicality of models on evaluation.

22、Conceptual models represent and manipulate ideas.

23、Super Big Mini Models- The intricacies of filming in the world of models and miniatures.

24、 Learning is better than learning. Teachers are models of people. There are many models.

25、The forming mechanism of gem refractivity models and the refractivity models of isotropic, uniaxial crystal gems

26、Working in basic editing mode speeds up editing models, especially when creating models from scratch.

27、It introduces interchange formats, for domain models as well as visual models.

28、Develop subsystem models. Existing simulation models may be used, or new models may be developed. Reexamine model partitioning and ensure interface control.

29、You could have one mapping model for two sources, three mapping models for three sources, six mapping models for four sources — all counting just one direction of models.

30、Methods Chemical inflammation models induced by hydroxybenzene mucilage, bacterial inflammation models induced by colibacillus, and other nonspecific inflammation models were applied.