1、I wanted to be obedient.

2、I wanted to be good.

3、I always wanted to be a pianist.

4、The circle wanted to be whole,

5、I really wanted to be a neurosurgeon.

6、He wanted to be a physicist.

7、She wanted to be kind to me, I know.

8、They wanted to be well preserved to make that journey.

9、He wanted to be in [to hold] the spotlight.

10、First, she wanted to be cremated, and second, she wanted her ashes scattered over Bloomingdales.

11、I desperately wanted to be the Fire Goddess.

12、I wanted to be a cop since I was five.

13、He really wanted to be a good boy.

14、He studied hard because he wanted to be a physicist.

15、My younger brother has always wanted to be a cameraman.

16、At first, I wanted to be a state trooper, then I wanted to be in the Special Forces.

17、She wanted the wind to blow into her hair; she wanted to be free; she wanted to hold her head high up and say: I am Iranian.

18、I wanted to be eager; I wanted to feel joyful at the thought of being in my family's presence again.

19、He wanted to explain and conciliate her, but he also wanted to be well out of Chicago.

20、I wanted the city's residents to know I cared about their problems and wanted to be a good neighbor.

21、One wanted to be the most beautiful girl in the world, one wanted to taste a pure and gorgeous girl.

22、Ghulam said she is sad to be getting engaged as she wanted to be a teacher.

23、Countries that have long wanted to be tougher can now be so.

24、For example, data you wanted to be read only may now be in a writable section.

25、I knew there would be unexpected questions and I wanted to be sharp.

26、Cher continued to sing and to make records. but she really wanted to be an actress.

27、Perhaps, at that time, they both wanted to be forever, never break up, and they all wanted to be bosom friends for a lifetime.

28、I wanted to be famous just like them, but wanted to be known not just as a vocalist, but as a writer.

29、She's always been very friendly to us, but we just wanted to be ourselves.