1、current deposit; demand deposit

2、demand deposit: Deposits payable within thirty days.

3、While some thrift institutions have acquired demand deposit authority.

4、The demand deposit interest rate remains unchanged at 0.81 percent.

5、The deposit account can be divided into two categories as the foreign exchange fixed deposit and the foreign exchange demand deposit based on the use of funds.

6、The minimum amount for foreign currency demand deposit is equivalent to twenty Yuan RMB;

7、With a demand deposit , you would be able to withdraw money whenever you need it.

8、however, the costs of processing demand deposit transaction are increasing, and the effective overall cost of demand deposits is closing to the cost of passbook saving.

9、Notice that the St. Louis memo tiptoes around the question of telling a depositor that he has a demand deposit while telling the rest of the country that he has a time deposit.

10、A demand deposit is a checking account that enables the depositor to withdraw funds from the account immediately and without advance notice.

11、What’s the interest rate for demand deposits?