1、It's rather dangerous to corner at speed.

2、Glide. Subject glides at speed of20 ft.

3、But the bus still ran at a great speed.

4、A car ran by at a great speed.

5、At that speed the plane began to disintegrate.

6、Airliners now cruise the ocean at great speed.

7、The suggestion was that opponents might grab the snood when a player was running at speed.

8、At that speed, it will escape the galaxy's grasp and sail off into intergalactic space.

9、At that speed you will get to Mars in 10 days, to Pluto in 16 months.

10、For standard letter fold, accordion fold, double parallel fold at speed of25000 sheets/ hour.

11、Being an extremist, when I sail, I like to be both comfortable and sail at speed.

12、A few feet from the cycling lane traffic moves at speeds of between 30 miles per hour, the speed limit for arterials in Seattle, and 40 miles per hour, the speed at which many cars actually travel.

13、The count said a word in Arabic to Ali, and the horses went on at great speed.

14、After all, as China is now demonstrating, it is possible to expand all three types of capital at speed.

15、Gusty winds may blow out of a thunderstorm at speed in excess of 75 miles an hour.

16、Of or relating to aerodynamic flow or flight conditions at speeds close to the speed of sound.

17、You can look at speed, or capacity, or cost effectiveness as individual criteria, or you can look at the big picture.

18、If you were here, and you go back to infinity, you reach exactly that speed, so if you fall in from infinity that is exactly the speed at which you reach the neutron star.

19、Moir, or her editors, or both, misjudged the speed and breadth of the real-time web and social media in their power to highlight and pressurise at speed and with force.

20、The developing countries are a riskier development prospect, with new homes, offices and malls being built at speed to cope with fast-rising demand.