1、Are you nearsighted?

2、Yes, I am nearsighted.

3、Now many nearsighted patient wear contact lenses.

4、I have to wear sunglasses, but I'm nearsighted.

5、If you are nearsighted, you have trouble seeing distant objects.

6、A nearsighted man lost his hat in a strong wind.

7、She is nearsighted. She can't see anything without her glasses.

8、Are you aware of evidence that increased computer use is contributing to more children becoming nearsighted?

9、Because many people are nearsighted, wearing glasses or contact lenses is very common.

10、Bill became nearsighted five years ago and has been wearing glasses since.

11、The truth is they are becoming more nearsighted, which can be a sign of early cataract development.

12、Illiterate people, and our monkey Cousins living in the wild, as a rule do not become nearsighted.

13、"Sitting close to the television may not make a child nearsighted, but a child may sit close to the television because he or she is nearsighted and undiagnosed," she reports.

14、Aim To study the effect of wearing progressive multi-focal spectacles on phoria in the teenager nearsighted.

15、The problem starts when constant close work causes this process to go too far and the eye becomes too long, or nearsighted.

16、Above applying to binoculus especially have boundary 50, the optical parallax, or bare eye sight is lower than 0.5 following nearsighted patient.

17、And since he's nearsighted and doesn't wear his contacts to bed, Zuckerberg said he has to hold his phone very close to his face.

18、Major Hou's eyes suddenly grew nearsighted, and he stared at the trunk squint-eyed for a long time before he finally seemed to get it into focus.As though firing a machine gun he said, "The devil!

19、My aunt was a medium-sized woman with black eyes under her pale eyebrows and round face. She occasionally wore a pair of nearsighted glasses on her face. She looked very elegant.