1、I'm a firm believer in being as agile as possible.

2、What's good about being as low as you can go?

3、human being as an individual with distinct characteristics

4、There is no such being as a supernatural tempter.

5、So stand your ground, and understand that the interviewer is being as insistent as you are.

6、The credibility of the business case rests on it being as conservative as possible.

7、Can you envision these values being as valid100 years from now as they are today?

8、Perform predicate analysis to see if the predicates are being as selective as possible.

9、The western thinkers have tried to apprehend the Being of beings through being as being and civilized the subjective philosophy and modern science and technology.

10、China is as big, smelly and filthy as I remember it being as a young man traveling abroad.

11、I find this startling: What is so fearful about being beautiful? In our appearance focused culture, why would I shrink from being as ravishing as possible?

12、Immortality, as a kind of faith, is not any concepts, thoughts or knowledge concerning immortality but a special existential way released from human being as potentiality for being.

13、Officials plugged Korea as Asia's most wired nation, and touted the country's capital as being as hip and cafeinated as any modern metropolis.

14、Fluid friction, less wear of belt, service life being as fitted with safe protection device.

15、Therefore, in most cases, the web services function is thought of being as stateless.

16、Little as the Vander Luydens encouraged unannounced visits, he could count on being asked to dine.

17、I am proud of the fact that women have been recognised as being as capable, as able to do the senior jobs in Europe as any man.

18、In this manner the notion has being as its simple self-relation, or as the immediacy of its immanent unity.

19、The disarmament agency accordingly came into being as a semidetached part of State.

20、"It's about being as transparent as possible," says Catherine McDermott, a Press Officer in FDA's Office of Public Affairs.

21、So the Puritans didn't lose out by not being as aware of those differences as we are.

22、It covers the various selectors XPath provides for being as specific or generic in a search as you like.

23、Playing basketball and being as blessed as I am, I just want to hold onto these moments forever.

24、And there is no difference whatever between being as an absolute, temporarily localised that is, localised in history - and universally intelligible being.