1、You did not successfully disconnect from the database. Try to disconnect from the database again.

2、My computer crashes every time I disconnect from the Internet.

3、You cannot disconnect from this device because you are not currently connected to it.

4、We can then disconnect from our database and manipulate and scroll through our data locally.

5、Click an option to connect to, create, or disconnect from a configuration database.

6、"Do you want any programs to run before users disconnect from your service?

7、In most lawsuits, most people just use each other as their excuse to disconnect from the Stream.

8、Fail to access central database, go to the topology view page or disconnect from the farm any way.

9、Inbox is finishing up background operations. Inbox will disconnect from the service as soon as these operations have completed.\0

10、Often it's the quaint, old-fashioned bookshops that provide the perfect excuse to browse uninterrupted and to disconnect from the world.

11、But before we do, this, we will demonstrate the ability of being able to disconnect from the database to perform an offline join operation.

12、Once all of the database configuration parameters that we discussed in the previous section are updated, you will need to make sure all applications disconnect from the database.

13、Once the aquifer disconnect from the stream, the inverted saturated zone of the rectangular streambed show a hemicycle, and that of rectangular streambed show a vertical rhombus.

14、Step by step falling from it, want to write some drops of blood text, let oneself put the articles may end drop, but no way to disconnect from the kingdom forever missing.

15、Other applications that want to access data in the same table concurrently do not need to disconnect from the database, and are free to pursue read or write operations in that table.