1、The RI approach has one major disadvantage.

2、The RI dry and wet pick were tested by means of a RI tester.


4、PowerPoint's, DVDs, RI website, Rotary Centers Newsletters and brochures.

5、The RI president cannot invite members to join your club.

6、At present the application of RI is attracting more attention.

7、Creating constraints on tables (for example, RI, informational, unique).

8、RI President Bhichai Rattakul addressed the annual Rotary Day at the UN, as have other RI leaders.

9、Establishment of a SKOV3 Cell Line Stably Transfected by RI Gene and Study of the Effects of RI Gene on the Cell Proliferation;

10、RI President Wilfrid J. Wilkinson gives the keynote address at the opening plenary session of the RI Convention. Rotary Images/Alyce Henson.

11、RI President-elect Wilfrid J. Wilkinson (left) and RI President William B. Boyd demonstrate the longstanding Rotary tradition of exchanging pins.

12、DB2 z/OS enforces RI by default and, optionally, lets you bypass RI checks, only in this case DB2 puts your table space in check-pending.

13、Robert S. Scott (far left) and RI President-elect John Kenny share a laugh with members of the Host Organizing Committee for the 2010 RI Convention in Montreal.

14、If not, urge the club to promptly pay all amounts due RI.

15、Then it was time for a heartfelt farewell from RI President Carl-Wilhelm Stenhammar.

16、The value of OI, RI, Lac of all patients was different with that of baseline (P

17、The RI, PI and A/B value are lower than normal control group(t0. 005).

18、CVC-RI is related to the number of catheter lumen, catheter time, catheter position.

19、We have built the API, RI (Reference Implementation) and TCK (Technology Compatbility Kit) and are publishing them to oss.sonatype.org.

20、Studies on the Inhibitory Action of Ribonuclease Inhibitor (RI) Gene on Xenografted Tumor of Ovarian Cancer in Nude Mice;

21、The proportion of Gram-positive bacteria and Gram-negative bacteria infection is no significant difference in CVC-RI.

22、Volumes of various group composition were calculated by using addible RI of hydrocarbon mixtute, then their volume percentage was determinded.

23、For official visits, develop a club review checklist tailored to the RI theme and your goals for the year.

24、因此UV和UV - RI双检测GPC不会得到可靠的嵌段共聚物组成数据。



27、启用Soft RI后,确保得到了约束中所有列的适当统计数据。



30、本文介绍如何针对OCAP设备创建自己的应用程序,并使用OCAP RI在桌面计算机上运行这些应用程序。