1、I have been feeling under the weather.

2、be/feel/look under the weather

3、I was still feeling a bit under the weather.

4、feel unwell or under the weather, look green about the gills.

5、Can we make it a little later? I feel under the weather.

6、If you know that he's been under the weather, you might ask him how he's feeling.

7、Juliana: What%26rsquo;s wrong with you, Jonas? You look a little under the weather.

8、If a ship was in a bad weather and its sailors were sick, the crew would go below deck, to get out from "under the weather" to try to feel better.

9、However,when I felt under the weather,I always took a " wait and see" attitude,determined to avoid seeing the doctor as much as I could.


11、If you stand "under the weather," you might have a dark storm cloud over your head, and you might not feel very well.

12、When we see others who seem under the weather, we experience a powerful emotional response-disgust-and do our best to avoid those who might be contagious.

13、He blames it on being overworked and under the weather for the past few weeks. A physical exam turns up some neurological abnormalities and a lumbar puncture and brain MRI are performed.