1、The report mentions eighteen deaths.

2、Note what he mentions following.

3、Paul also mentions love and self-discipline.

4、Thankfully, nobody mentions the you-know-what.

5、In the foreword, the writer mentions his wife and children.

6、Agile clearly mentions the value of people and their craftsmanship.

7、Read the passage and check the topics it mentions.

8、He mentions the gender bias in the textbooks.

9、After the last document has been processed, the mentions and DOCENT tables in the EIDB hold information about all the name mentions that were found.

10、Garner mentions a couple of other reasons, but these seem to be the most important.

11、Now, whenever anybody mentions the subject to her, she just goes silent.

12、Additionally, the arguer mentions neuropeptide chemicals that are broken down by pep.

13、Although highly readable, the book includes no groundbreaking historical research. It mentions no German-language sources.

14、This article technological revolution historically mentions, demonstrates the technology advancement and a legal regime development historical path.

15、Will all of the documentation, website updates, etc be done for the 1.0 release (as it mentions on the site)?

16、Timely responses to negative or problematic mentions are the actions that allow you to manage your social media presence.

17、Among the dozens of contemporary notebooks written by Su Dongpo, none mentions that there is a sister in Su Dongpo.

18、The story also mentions what it says are signs of rising anti-Japanese sentiment in the U.S..

19、It is remarkably, however, that Seneca himself never mentions the plays, since there are certain passages in them that could be used to illustrate points of his philosophy.

20、The Bible contains the words of Hebrew songs and mentions musical instruments. Hebrew chants sung in the temple foreshadowed early Christian songs.

21、"Music is my way of understanding what I'm feeling," the songstress told Stephanopoulus regarding her frequent mentions of ex-boyfriends in her songs.

22、ASK John Chambers, the boss of Cisco, about the formative experience of his business life and he mentions his time at Wang Laboratories.

23、Say you're sitting around with some friends playing video games and someone mentions a game that happens to be one of your favorites.

24、The author mentions the estimated numbers of birds and coral fish species on various Oceanic islands in order to demonstrate how much knowledge about Oceanic species has been accumulated.

25、Sponsored by the London sperm Bank, the book also mentions sperm donation and the ideas behind co-parenting, as well as the legalities behind each course of action and a glossary of parenting terms.

26、This material mentions the mistaken tendency of paying attention to the co-operatives to the neglect of the mutual-aid teams and recommends over-all planning and all-round consideration, and this is correct.


28、Therefore, each time girl complain boy a little, but at one night, girl mentions this ring again. So this stupid boy can't stand to say, he has bought one pair of rings for girl.

29、but it is also 'division of labour' if (as Adam Smith mentions as an example) ten different persons share in the different occupations connected with the manufacture of a pin: the former is an objective, and the latter a subjective division of labour;