1、He talked about octaves.

2、Orbison's vocal range spanned three octaves.

3、This sound spectrum spans about ten octaves.

4、I got three octaves back after quitting.

5、The range consists of three octaves.

6、Its range is two and a half octaves.

7、Golden octaves call a golden dream into the life.

8、Its range is generally five octaves and three-eighths.

9、Then tune up and down in octaves by ear.

10、Anchoring all nine octaves at once allows for the application of all nine octaves with all groups that meet or study under such an individual.

11、It has a deep range beginning about three octaves below middle C.

12、This is the way to play some of the most spectacularly rapid fortissimo octaves and chords.

13、Soul is a nonphysical effervescence that infuses the field with golden octaves that are Tao based.

14、The lowest resonant frequency of the membrane is about two octaves higher than this frequency.

15、His voice spans three octaves, he can really belt it out and bring a song to life.

16、We now wish to delve into the new octaves of love that have been anchored on Earth.

17、However, the range of human hearing is about 10 octaves, and any reasonable synth VCO is expected to operate over a range of at least five octaves to be musically useful.

18、The video shows the RH playing two octaves TO, ascending and descending, played twice. This is then repeated using TU.

19、For the rose quartz will quite willingly blend with the source of Rhodocroshite if asked, and provide both the forgiveness and unity octaves through it's form.

20、WOMAN B: A lot of people have at least a couple of octaves range which is just stunning what some people can produce.

21、According to the rules of music vibration, we know that octaves of the fundamental vibration are created through multiplication or division from the number two.

22、The opening chords of the Finale gleam like fanfares. Muscular octaves demonstrate the strength of Lipatti's left hand. The modifications of tempo or dynamics do no violence to the music.

23、The sound waves were so huge (about 20, 000 light years in length) and so low (about 50 octaves below hearing range) that the astronomer had to adjust them to the range of human hearing.

24、The range of human hearing is generally quoted as 20Hz to 20KHz, corresponding to about 1/2xoctave to the left, and two octaves to the right of the piano keyboard.

25、you can see the octaves leap from one tower to another; you watch them spring forth,winged, light, and whistling, from the silver bell, to fall,broken and limping from the bell of wood;

26、"In the application of the cycle of fifths, 12 fifths are equal to 7 octaves in theory, but in actuality are not. The discrepancy, which is about a quarter of a semitone and is known as the Pythagorean comma,"

27、A low-pitched woodwind instrument with a double reed, having a long wooden body attached to a U-shaped lateral tube that leads to the mouthpiece. The range of this instrument is typically two octaves lower than that of the oboe.