1、a condensing gas drive.

2、condensing turbo-generator set

3、double-extraction condensing turbine

4、marine piston type condensing unit

5、double-extraction non-condensing turbine

6、marine screw type condensing unit

7、single-extraction non-condensing turbine

8、non-condensing automatic extraction turbine

9、the process of boiling a liquid and condensing its vapors.

10、The immense expense in condensing the steam made me tense.

11、(used of texts) shortened by condensing or rewriting.

12、These optimizations include trimming leading zeros in decimal Numbers, condensing zero values, and condensing hexadecimal values (see Listing 7).

13、The theoretical investigation of the flow stability of the evaporating and condensing film.

14、These types of conjunctive words can be summarized into three types: juxtaposing attaching and condensing.

15、Energy saving operation of a cold storage refrigeration system under variable condensing conditions

16、Proverb is the creation of the masses, condensing their wisdom and experience.

17、Warm up vehicle before driving off. It reduces moisture condensing on the inside of the windows.

18、Many oligomer IC proteins are allosteric and known to be self-condensing and play an important role in metabolic control.

19、A numerical study has been performed for the condensing flows in a cascade, which has five different trailing edge shapes.

20、Through dynamic force condensing, the dynamic matrix of mega-frame is simplified, and corresponding oscillatory differential equation is obtained.

21、For example, distillation processes that separate out any dissolved minerals by boiling and condensing water require costly amounts of fuel.

22、Package chillers are a complete chiller system including condensing unit, tank and pump built entirely into a single cabinet.

23、Owners, and more especially herdsmen and agents, often attempt to disguise their neglect by condensing time or varying the chronology of events.

24、The toughest part of writing short fiction is condensing all the same elements necessary for a full length novel into a smaller space.

25、The research includes design of microchannel heat exchanger in refrigeration compressor condensing unit, microchannel heat exchanger simulation and optimization, and experimentation.

26、The methods for preparing structural material bonding agent by condensing the alkaline lignin in the wast liquor of soda pulping process with formaldehyde and phenol are described.

27、Now a team of astronomers has gone a long way toward providing the answer by catching a massive star in the act of condensing.

28、Enlighten abstruse new december2007makeup look is condensing modern woman to go on a long journey of the vigor that move back and forth and city female temperament perfect mix.

29、By employing the fixed point index of condensing mapping, the existence results of positive solution are obtained under two cases, the conclusions extend the results recently achieved in this field.

30、The gas may selectively take up components from the oil phase (vaporizing gas drive), the oil may take up components from the gas (condensing gas drive), or the gas and the oil may exhibit first contact miscibility.