1、a vivacious elderly man.

2、Britan was now an elderly man.

3、Vicious thugs attacked an elderly man.

4、An elderly man had collapsed while crossing the street,

5、One elderly man sat morosely at the bar.

6、An elderly man visits the doctor for a checkup.

7、Having overheard the conversation, an elderly man replied, "You sure do your brandy know."

8、Effects of dietary and lifestyle on bone mineral density of elderly man

9、Objective to explore the influential factors of bone mineral density for elderly man in country.

10、He was an elderly man, tall, with a slender grey braid, bright eyes and heavy pouches.

11、An elderly man wearing a juror badge also was wheeled out of the courthouse.

12、An elderly man sat in the courtyard, smoking a long pipe, silver hair floating, fairy wind tunnel bone class.

13、As a kindly and amiable elderly man , this village of thousands of years old bless this land--- Huizhou forever.

14、Tim. 5:1 Do not upbraid an elderly man, but exhort him as a father, younger men as brothers.

15、The elderly man who uttered those angry words on the afternoon of August 10th was clearly boiling over.

16、First of the walking cases to come on shore was an elderly man with an arm in a sling.

17、After listening to this debate, children and elderly man will be a change of position, said passers-by can be unsympathetic to the elderly, so that a child has to walk.

18、"This light is too dim for me to read by. Don't we have a brighter bulb some where" : said the elderly man.

19、One stormy night many years ago, an elderly man and his wife entered the lobby of a small hotel in Philadelphia.

20、The rice is also ripe, golden gold yellow, but at this time is like an elderly man, deeply bent, silently grateful to live it to support its land.

21、Heavy rains brought flooding to parts of Hong Kong this week, but that was not enough not to stop one elderly man from enjoying his newspaper and coffee.

22、A conversation with a handsome surgeon, in which he instructs Dr Weston how to pass a catheter into an elderly man, conjures up fantasies about her colleague that make her blush.

23、Ten thousand miles away from Downing Street, in a rural area of the Ganges Delta in the upper reaches of the Bay of Bengal, an elderly man lies on the land of a farmer's hut.

24、Urumiye News said the latest protest came when a disturbance broke out after a vehicle in the presidential convoy struck an elderly man who walked onto the road to try and hand Ahmadinejad a letter.

25、For example, in the lower cave of the crest cave site 18,000 years ago, a young woman, a middle-aged woman and an elderly man were buried. They already had tools of production and ornaments.

26、Early last week, an elderly man weaved through the crowds and tents in Zuccotti Park before approaching a young woman staffing a table in the Media, Information and Outreach tent.