1、One involves radio device.

2、Now ASCII involves characters.

3、Morality involves specific emotions.

4、The second part involves visualization.

5、This project involves much difficulty.

6、The titration involves considerable work.

7、The latest scare involves eggs.

8、It involves generalized implicature and particularized implicature.

9、It also involves howls of exasperation.

10、One controversial preemption issue involves nuclear energy.

11、The job involves gathering and analysing data.

12、Everything I do involves my eating disorder.

13、The first involves East-West relations, while the second involves North-South relations.

14、Enabling case-insensitive queries involves four basic steps.

15、This involves marking all pages in the file as computational.

16、Another interesting difference involves the change in audience.

17、Proper utilization involves two interrelated functions: search and navigation.

18、Visible trade involves the importing and exporting of tangible goods, whereas invisible trade involves the services exchange between countries.

19、EAI involves integrating various applications that support different technology interfaces.

20、Governance involves establishing responsibilities and empowering responsible parties, whereas management involves making sure the governance policies actually occur.

21、It is very hard to manage the title, because it involves many fields and policies, especially assessing of title, which involves many declaration materials, repetition.

22、Language ability involves vocabulary and grammar, whereas speech involves the accuracy of sound production. Both language and speech ability contribute to a child's ability to read.

23、CHIP, an E3 ubiquitin ligase and cochaperones, involves in energy metabolism and protein quality control.

24、Secondary treatment generally involves a biological process to remove organic matter through biochemical oxidation.

25、But as Murray says, "Every step of the way involves interpretation."

26、A second form involves technology used for exploration boreholes in the hard rock mining industry.

27、The school category involves the junior middle school, the high school.

28、The extreme forms of alopecia areata are alopecia totalis, which involves the loss of all head hair, and alopecia universalis, which involves the loss of all hair from the head and the body.

29、But the true view of the matter is that life as life, involves the germ of death, and that the finite, being radically self-contradictory, involves its own self-suppression.

30、The latter process involves the expulsion of the neutral species (N, O-bidentate ligands), accompanied by hydrogen migration.