1、That is: manually build out the first case.

2、After raising the money, the hospital was able to build out a whole new section.

3、Organizational structure which enables SKF to logically build out an deployment and implementation plan while mitigating potential risks of failure.

4、This gave friends has a new definition, they are not your nearest and dearest but friends allow you to build out your context – building out who you are.

5、While Clearwire has focused to date mostly on the WiMax standard, the company plans to build out an LTE-based network in parallel with its existing service.

6、But as well as erecting new Bridges and roads, China is also quickening the build out of infrastructure for a modern digital economy.

7、These measures, or such other measures as the Congress may build out of its experience and wisdom, I shall seek, within my constitutional authority, to bring to speedy adoption.

8、He displays the respect in art of the sad Ci-poem, is good at depicting the quiet and beautiful and cold and quiet natural scenery image, build out the bleak and woeful and shrill realm.

9、Developing new ways to generate enough clean, reliable, low-cost energy could take 10 or 20 years, and then it will take more time to build out a new energy infrastructure.

10、Generally, avoid storing build output in version control.